Halloween Punch
Tip the cherry juice, orange peel, chilli, cinnamon sticks, cloves and ginger into a large saucepan. Simmer for 5 mins, then turn off the heat. Leave to cool, then chill for at least 4 hrs, or up to 2 days – the longer you leave it the more intense the flavours. If serving to young children, take the chilli out after a few hours. When you’re ready to serve, pour the juice into a jug. Serve in glass bottles or glasses and pop a straw in each. If you're adding vodka, do so at this stage. Dangle a fangs sweet from each glass.

- drink -- noun
- Something that your wives keep count of when you are at a party. For example, after a couple of hours laughing and joking with the men, your wife will slide up to you and say in a very accusing tone of voice "That's your fourth drink, you know".